News/Upcoming Events

For the HORDE?


What lies beyond the Mineral mines and the cheaply crafted engineering?
Goblins that is who!
Hop in the server for a fun update that brings tons of new enemies, mounts, weapons and more!

New crafting recipes to completely DECIMATE your foes... Or save your sheep? You decide!

-- Minepro119

Doom and suffering?


Imagine, the year is 2023, and the demons have taken over the planet. Planet Funcraft that is!

-- Minepro119

First Big Update?


We at Funcraft have been working on a new update, which will add many things. The main focus is on classes. Many new ones have been added and more will soon. There will also be the occasional evil mushroom in your world, which will have 400+ health (What's that about???). In addition to this, we're also working on a surprise ;)

-- Minepro119

A New Era


Funcraft has been reset multiple times over the past year, and we have been struggling, but we are finally ready to commit to one world and bring all the fun (and maybe pain) that we can. Hope to see you soon :)

-- Minepro119